
Given an integer $n \geq 4$, consider the Weyl groups $W(B_n)$ and $W(D_n)$ of types $B_n$ and $D_n$, respectively, and consider their representation theory over the field of complex numbers.

The Weyl group $W(B_n)$ is the wreath product $C_2 \wr S_n = C_2^n \rtimes S_n$ of the cyclic group $C_2 = \{\pm 1\}$ and the symmetric group $S_n$. It is well-known that the irreducible $W(B_n)$-modules are parameterized by bi-partitions $(\lambda,\mu)$ of $n$, i.e., ordered pairs of partitions $\lambda$ and $\mu$ such that $|\lambda|+|\mu| = n$. One can show that if $V = V^{(\lambda,\mu)}$ is the irreducible $W(B_n)$-module labeled by the bi-partition $(\lambda,\mu)$, then the dual module $V^* = \text{Hom}_{\mathbb{C}}(V,\mathbb{C})$ is isomorphic to $V^{(\lambda',\mu')}$, where $\lambda'$ and $\mu'$ are the transpose (or conjugate) partitions associated to $\lambda$ and $\mu$, respectively. In particular, $V \cong V^*$ if and only if $\lambda = \lambda'$ and $\mu = \mu'$.

The Weyl group $W(D_n)$ is the kernel of the homomorphism $\xi: W(B_n) = C_2^n \rtimes S_n \to \{\pm 1\}$ that is trivial on $S_n$ and that acts on $\mathbb{Z}_2^n = \{\pm 1\}^n$ by multiplying all of the factors together. In particular, $W(D_n)$ is an index-$2$ subgroup of $W(B_n)$. Since $V^{(\lambda,\mu)} \otimes \xi \cong V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$ as $W(B_n)$-modules, one then gets the following via classical Clifford theory:

  1. If $\lambda \neq \mu$, then $V^{(\lambda,\mu)}$ and $V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$ are isomorphic and irreducible as $W(D_n)$-modules.
  2. If $(\lambda,\lambda)$ is a bi-partition of $n$, then $V = V^{(\lambda,\lambda)}$ decomposes as a $W(D_n)$-module into a direct sum $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+} \oplus V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$ of two non-isomorphic, conjugate, irreducible $W(D_n)$-modules.
  3. Every irreducible $W(D_n)$-module is uniquely of one of the preceding forms, subject only to the $W(D_n)$-module isomorphism $V^{(\lambda,\mu)} \cong V^{(\mu,\lambda)}$ if $\lambda \neq \mu$.

I would like to know when an irreducible $W(D_n)$-module is self-dual. The only case where there seems to be some ambiguity is when $n$ is even, for irreducibles of the forms $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+}$ and $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$ with $\lambda = \lambda'$. In this case $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)}$ is self-dual as a $W(B_n)$-module, so it follows that either $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+}$ and $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$ are each self-dual as $W(D_n)$-modules, or one of them is isomorphic to the dual of the other.

Given a symmetric partition $\lambda$, is there a criterion, depending on the shape of the Young diagram of $\lambda$, for deciding whether $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^+}$ and $V^{(\lambda,\lambda)^-}$ are each self-dual?

An analogous situation occurs when looking at the irrreducible representations of the alternating group $A_n$. If $\lambda = \lambda'$, then the Specht module $S^\lambda$ decomposes into a direct sum $S^{\lambda^+} \oplus S^{\lambda^-}$ of two irreducible $A_n$-modules. These modules are self-dual if and only if their corresponding complex characters are real-valued. There are explicit formulas for the values of these characters (see for example Theorem 2.5.13 in James and Kerber's book The Representation Theory of the Symmetric Group, or Proposition 5.3 in Fulton and Harris' book Representation Theory), from which one can see that the characters will both be real-valued if and only if the number of squares above the diagonal in the Young diagram of $\lambda$ is even.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Am I missing some point? I thought that all Weyl groups were rational, so, in particular, real-valued ( see the answers to the question MR134581, for example). Note that the example of $A_{n}$ is different in the sense that $A_{n}$ is not itself a Weyl group. $\endgroup$ Dec 16 at 19:11
  • $\begingroup$ I was not aware of that fact about Weyl groups, but I now realize I should have been, because it's mentioned in one of the first references I looked at (in Section 8.10 of Humphreys' book Reflection groups and Coxeter groups). Thank you for pointing this out! That wraps up my question. $\endgroup$ Dec 16 at 19:19
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I realize now that I was confused on several points when formulating this question. For example, the statement I made about dual modules being labeled by transpose partitions is not true. What I was actually interested in, and what I was probably thinking of when writing the question, was tensoring a module with the sign representation. $\endgroup$ Dec 16 at 20:15
  • $\begingroup$ I must admit that statement about the Cliffor theory confused me, since I knew that Weyl groups had all irreducible characters real. $\endgroup$ Dec 17 at 10:03

1 Answer 1


As noted in comments, all irreducible characters of Weyl groups are rational, and, in particular, real.


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