
Looking on the growth function for Rubik's group and symmetric group, one sees rather different behaviour:

Rubik's growth in LOG scale (see MO322877): Rubik's growth in LOG scale

S_n n=9 growth and nice fit by normal distribution (NOT log scale): S_n n=9 growth and nice fit by normal distribution (NOT log scale)

As usually growth function of $n$ - is number of elements which can be represented by product of $n$ generators and cannot by less number. For symmetric group we take standard generators - adjacent permutations (and so code below uses the fact that length equals to inversion number), for Rubik's group also standard generators - see MO322877. The rough explanation behind such difference is that S_n and its generators is more like an abelian group, while generators of Rubiks group behave like a free group up to certain order and than cutted by relations of quite a long length. For abelian groups like $(Z/2Z)^n$ grows corresponds to normal distribution by the most classical central limit theorem (see bean machine video), normal distribution approximation often happens for various metrics on $S_n$ - see MO320497

Informal question what can a be a something like a typical growth for finite groups ? For example take "small group library of GAP" what is typical there ?

Question 2 Can computer algebra systems like GAP or MAGMA compute such a growth for finite groups and given set of generators ? At least for "small group library" ? What algorithms are used ?

I understand there is huge literature on Cayley graphs of groups e.g. Harald A. Helfgott,BAMS, 2015, Growth in groups: ideas and perspectives (see also MO102737), still I wonder:

Question 3 What are some other nice surveys which concentrates on finite groups Cayley graphs and growth functions ?


Here is old discussion of similar spirit: What relationship, if any, is there between the diameter of the Cayley graph and the average distance between group elements? what is "typical" relation between diameter median - taking Rubik's cube and S_n as examples


Here is Python3 code for $S_9$ growth calculation and normal fit. (One can use https://colab.research.google.com/ for free - you even do not need to install anything on your comp - use browser and code runs on google's servers:

def inversion(permList): # http://code.activestate.com/recipes/579051-get-the-inversion-number-of-a-permutation/
    Description - This function returns the number of inversions in a
    Preconditions - The parameter permList is a list of unique positve numbers.

    Postconditions - The number of inversions in permList has been returned.

    Input - permList : list
    Output - numInversions : int
    if len(permList)==1:
        return 0
        return numInversion+inversion(permList)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time 

import scipy
import scipy.stats
import numpy as np

# Get all permutations  # https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/permutation-and-combination-in-python/
# using library function 
from itertools import permutations # import lib
n = 9
lst = range(1,(n+1) ) # =  [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,..., n]
perm = permutations(lst) # all n! permutations are here

list_i = [] # Store all inversion numbers here 
v = np.zeros(int( n*(n+1)/2) )  # histogram for inversion numbers here
start_time = time.time()
for p in list(perm): # Loop over permutations
  inv_count = inversion(list(p))  
  v[inv_count] += 1 
  list_i.append(inv_count) # 

print('n=',n, time.time() - start_time  , 'seconds passed' )
print('Mean' , np.mean( list_i), 'Std ', np.std( list_i) )    

y = v / np.sum(v)  # normalize histogram
plt.plot(y,'*-',label = 'Length Distribution')

# Fit by normal part:
dist = getattr(scipy.stats, 'norm')
param = dist.fit(np.array(list_i) ) # https://glowingpython.blogspot.com/2012/07/distribution-fitting-with-scipy.html
x = np.linspace(0,int( n*(n+1)/2),int( n*(n+1)/2)+1)
# fitted distribution
pdf_fitted = scipy.stats.norm.pdf(x,loc=param[0],scale=param[1]) # https://glowingpython.blogspot.com/2012/07/distribution-fitting-with-scipy.html
plt.plot(x,pdf_fitted,'d-', label = 'Fit by normal')
plt.title('S_n n= '+str(n) )
  • $\begingroup$ If you make experiments, you might try with $S_n$ with a random pair. Indeed, random pairs are generically generating, and the behavior for growth is known to be very different from "obvious" generating pairs such that the pair $\{(12),(123\dots n)\}$, notably they have a smaller diameter. (Still I don't know if for such a given group as $S_9$ the "generic" behavior is already preponderant.) $\endgroup$
    – YCor
    Feb 24, 2019 at 22:47
  • $\begingroup$ @YCor thank you ! So from your comment and reading JSE and Tao mathoverflow.net/a/61495/10446 it seems that randomly chosen elements should give something like an expander graph and that should be different from standard generators of S_n picture. It is interesting whether properties mentioned by JSE fullfils for Rubik's cube... $\endgroup$ Feb 27, 2019 at 18:11


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